Palazzina Loft Elite Technogym
The perfect fitness studio with space for 14 people, equipped with Technogym gym equipment and sanitary facilities.
With a training area of 68.44 m², modern design and innovative technical equipment, the gym is a real eye-catcher.
An attached sanitary area with changing rooms, WCs and showers ensures maximum comfort for your employees or guests.
The combination of high-quality Technogym fitness equipment based on the expertise of German sports scientists allows you to offer the optimal training for your employees or guests - from sports beginners to competitive athletes.
Thanks to the use of high-quality steel modular construction, your gym is durable and sustainable.
from €250,000.00
Net prices plus transport and assembly costs
Sizes & dimensions
The Palazzina Loft is designed so that fourteen people can train at the same time in a comfortable atmosphere. With its various areas, it provides the perfect basis for versatile training of your employees.
Dimensions of the training area
External dimensions (L/W/H): 12.00 m / 6.00 m / 2.99 m
Interior dimensions (L/W/H): 11.80 m / 5.80 m / 2.60 m
Usable area: 68.44 m²
Due to the modular design, the dimensions of your Palazzina can be individually adapted to your location if required.
Exercising areas
- Spaciously designed cardio area
- Area for functional training, relaxation and stretching
- Strength and free weight area
- Cable pulley and multifunctional area

In addition to functionality, we also place great value on the design of our Palazzinas. Our goal is for the Palazzina Home to fit seamlessly into the design concept of your home. That's why we offer you the opportunity to choose the design of your Palazzina yourself, from the exterior cladding to the flooring.

We give you the feeling of training outdoors. Our Palazzina is equipped with large triple-glazed floor-to-ceiling windows and a triple-glazed design sliding door. Our sliding door can also be fully opened. So you can turn your Palazzina into an outdoor gym and still exercise in the fresh air of a covered room.
Exterior cladding
You can choose from hundreds of different design options for the exterior cladding of your Palazzina. You can choose between HPL, metal, wood and natural stone in numerous variants.

Interior cladding
For the interior of your Palazzina you can choose between numerous wallpapers and varnishes. The basis of the interior cladding is melamine-coated plywood or plasterboard. The plywood boards are washable and form a flat surface suitable for painting or wallpaper.
The plasterboards are delivered completely primed and can be painted with commercially available wall paint. Alternatively, they can also be wallpapered, tiled or mirrored.

Our 3.5 x 2.5 m mirror is an additional highlight in the interior of your gym and completes your personal design concept.

Robust and resilient, resistant and durable - that‘s what distinguishes the Palazzina floor. Because we already understand the cement-bonded particleboard as part of the training space, which has to bear the weight of the sports equipment and that of the athletes. Over this foundation, we lay a high-quality fitness floor that is more than two centimetres thick and also offers protection against moisture.
Technical Equipments
Palazzina Sports is characterised by the individual design concept and the interaction of the various components. The installation of innovative components creates a contemporary and future-oriented training room. This is how we create the best possible training environment.

4x Teufel One S Stereo-Set
The high-quality Teufel One S Stereo Set ensures the perfect sound for sports, yoga or relaxing. The two stylish streaming speakers, optionally in black or white, are integrated into the Palazzina with the matching Teufel wall bracket.

8 x Ledvance LED lamps
4 x Hexagonal honeycombs
We create the optimal lighting situation in your Palazzina by combining Ledvance LEDs and hexagonal lights. The colour and brightness of the lighting are controlled via an app. This allows you to adjust the light according to your mood and training situation and create an extraordinary atmosphere.
1 x TV 40 inches, incl. ceiling mount
Even the right TV must not be missing in an optimally equipped gym. We integrate in our Palazzinas a 40 inch Full HD TV from Samsung incl. ceiling mounting that can be used for streaming workouts or additional entertainment during your workout.
On request, you can also choose another device.

Heat Exchanger
1 x Heat Exchanger Mitsubishi Lossnay VL50
The built-in heat exchanger uses the integrated heat storage device to store a large part of the heat energy when blowing out (exhaust air mode) and then to heat the fresh air supplied from the outside (inlet air mode). At the same time, the humidity is regulated. Using state-of-the-art materials and clean workmanship, up to 90% of the heat energy can be recovered.
1 x Air-Conditioning, SAMSUNG 2,5 kW
So that you can exercise comfortably in the Palazzina even in summer, we install an air conditioner from Samsung. Thanks to the quick cooling mode, the desired temperature can be reached in a short amount of time. The wind-free technology ensures that the cool air is gently distributed throughout the room and does not create draft air.

We use a combination of high-quality mineral wool and PIR insulation to create a comfortable indoor training environment and save energy efficiently.
A = 0,35 W/sqmK
B = 0,20 W/sqmK
All insulation materials we use comply with fire class A2.
Entrance door control
You can also opt for RFID-controlled entrance door control, which allows for low administrative and personnel costs as well as uncomplicated access. You can choose between ID cards or personalised wristbands as entrance keys.

Palazzina Sports zeichnet sich durch das individuelle Designkonzept und das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Bauteile aus. Durch den Einbau von innovativen Bauteilen entsteht ein zeitgemäßer und zukunftsausgerichteter Trainingsraum. So schaffen wir für Ihre Mitarbeiter die bestmögliche Trainingsumgebung.

Das gemeinsam mit Berufssportlern entwickelte Skillrow™-Equipment fördert mit diversen in der App verfügbaren Total-Body-Workouts mit wirklichkeitsgetreuem Rudergefühl sowohl die Cardio- als auch die Krafttrainingsleistung.

Kettlebell Combo
Combo 2x (5kg/10kg/20kg/25kg)
Die Technogym Kettlebell hat ein ergonomisches Design und hochwertige Materialien. Sie eignet sich perfekt für den Kraftaufbau und Explosivität.

Der MyRun verbindet edles und kompaktes
Design, anpassungsfähige Laufoberfl äche und
maßgeschneiderte Trainingseinheiten direkt
mit Ihrem Tablet. Somit stellt er das optimale
Equipment für ein Cardio-Workout dar.

Technogym Bike wird mit 30 Tagen Liveund On-Demand-Kursen, Technogym Outdoor-Routen, profi lbasierten Übungen und weiteren inkludierten Apps geliefert. Sie wählen ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen das perfekte Training inklusive Trainer aus.

Das gemeinsam mit Berufssportlern entwickelte Skillrow™-Equipment fördert mit diversen in der App verfügbaren Total-Body-Workouts mit wirklichkeitsgetreuem Rudergefühl sowohl die Cardio- als auch die Krafttrainingsleistung.

Kinesis Personal
Verbessern Sie mit dem ultimativen Designerstück Kraft, Koordination, Beweglichkeit und Haltung. Dank der patentierten FullGravity™ Technology ermöglicht Kinesis unbegrenzte und natürliche Bewegungen in jede Richtung.

Cable Stations Ercolina
Cable Stations Ercolina mit intuitivem Design und innovativer Biomechanik ist das optimale Gerät für eine Vielzahl von Ganzkörperübungen.

Floor Mat
Die Floor Mat sorgt für zusätzlichen Komfort bei Übungen auf dem Boden. Die Oberfl äche der Matte besteht aus Nanokautschuk und verhindert mit ihrer geschlossenen Zellstruktur das Aufsaugen von Flüssigkeit bei der Reinigung oder Benutzung..

Olympic Half Rack
Das Olympic Half Rack ist ein beliebtes Trainingsgerät, denn damit lassen sich schwere Gewichte sicher heben. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Geräten im Fitnessstudio ist das Rack extrem vielseitig. Es kann für eine Vielzahl von Übungen eingesetzt werden.

Adjustable Bench
Diese Mehrzweckbank mit einem einfachen und kompakten Design wurde speziell für das Langhantel- und Kurzhanteltraining entworfen. Dank der integrierten Rollen und Halterung lässt Sie sich leicht aufbewahren und verschieben.

Fitness Bar 2010mm
Die verchromte Technogym Langhantelstange mit eingerollter Rändelung zeichnet sich durch anspruchsvolles Design, Leistung und Haltbarkeit aus. Diese Bar gleicht in Größe und Gewicht den in olympischen Wettkämpfen verwendeten Langhanteln.

Bumper Plate Combo
Combo 2x (5kg/10kg/20kg/25kg)
Die kratzfesten Gummi-Gewichtsscheiben sind optimal für Langhanteltraining geeignet und halten auch starker Beanspruchung stand und gewährleisten die Absorption von Stößen.

Barbell Rack
Das Barbell Rack dient in Ihrem Gym als übersichtliche Aufbewahrung für bis zu vier Hanteln. Wir liefern das Rack inklusive vier Langhanteln mit verschiedenen Gewichten (5/10/15/20kg), die beim Krafttraining für zahlreiche Übungen verwendet werden können.

Two Tier Dumbbell Rack
Das Two Tier Dumbbell Rack ist eine freistehende Stütze für die Lagerung von 20 mit Urethan umhüllten Kurzhanteln.

Dumbbell Set
2x (12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30)kg
Die Kurzhanteln von Technogym sind für ein natürliches Training mehrerer Muskelpartien konzipiert, bei dem Sie die volle Kontrolle über Ihre Bewegungsabläufe haben.

Die Technogym Bench ist ein umfassendes Functional-Trainings-Kit mit unzähligen Optionen für das Ganzkörpertraining. Auf Sie wartet eine Kombination aus elastischen Bändern, Kurzhanteln, Gewichtsmanschetten und einer Übungsmatte.
Palazzina-Sanitary facilities
In this palazzina, we offer you the possibility of extending your gym with a sanitary area. This will be added to an area of the long walls. This means that you can change clothes, shower and use the toilet directly in the Palazzina. Just like our training area, we have also designed the sanitary area according to the most modern possibilities and only use high-quality components.
Layout of the sanitary area
Our Palazzina sanitary area consists of two modules, so that there is one area for ladies and one for men. Each of these modules contains changing rooms, showers and a toilet. The module is mounted on one of the longer walls of the Palazzina.
Size per module
External dimensions (L/W/H): 4.88 m / 2.97 m / 2.99 m
Interior dimensions (L/W/H): 4.45 m / 2.46 m / 2.60 m
Usable area: 11.00 m²

Design of the changing rooms
- 14 wooden lockers for 14 lockers (can be increased as required)
- wooden bench and coat hook
- four sanitary windows 400x800mm per module
Design of the showers
- Two shower cubicles per module, separated by a partition wall and a glass door
- walls: R10- tile look, hardboard Forestia, grey

Design of the toilettes
- One ceramic toilet from Laufen per module, hanging with pressure washer & partition wall
- each a large ceramic sink with mirror
- ceramic urinal in the men's toilet area

Technical details
- Ceiling: Hardboard in white
- Lighting: 6 pcs. LED Philipps lighting
- Water: 2 pcs. Water boiler 50 l.
- Heating: 2 pcs. E convector
- Floor: Tiles IP 65
- Exterior facade: is adapted to the overall concept (Forestia - HPL panels)
Process of delivery
Your palazzina is delivered by truck and placed on the ground and assembled by truck-mounted crane or on-board crane from the truck. We ensure that the entire delivery process is quick, clean and quiet. The delivery situation must be checked individually on a case-by-case basis: How is the assembly site passable, does the palazzina have to be lifted over obstacles? Photos and a site plan of the construction site are essential for this.
Soil conditions
The ground should generally be 30 cm of compacted gravel, the best option is strip or block foundations, frost-free. Construction on a grassy area is also possible. The power supply is provided by the client. We offer connection and measurement protocol by our experts as an additional service.

The perfect fitness studio with space for 14 people, equipped with Technogym gym equipment and sanitary facilities.
With a training area of 68.44 m², modern design and innovative technical equipment, the gym is a real eye-catcher.
An attached sanitary area with changing rooms, WCs and showers ensures maximum comfort for your employees or guests.
The combination of high-quality Technogym fitness equipment based on the expertise of German sports scientists allows you to offer the optimal training for your employees or guests - from sports beginners to competitive athletes.
Thanks to the use of high-quality steel modular construction, your gym is durable and sustainable.
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!
Consultation appointment
Let our experts guide you on the way to your Palazzina!
Palazzina FAQ
All answers to the most asked questions